
Insight Cat platform receives data from various tools and agents. To identify the sender and validate access rights, quotas, etc. API key is needed.

API key is a machine key which allows a tool or an agent to communicate with a platform. It has a few properties:

You can find your API keys under Manage section. By default, you have one key when you create an account. It’s valid until 2030.

Managing API keys

In API keys tab you can see and manage you keys. By default there’s already a key called Default. We use it to generate ready-to-go configs for different agents (i.e. IC Agent, Telegraf, Prometheus, etc.).

In the table you can see all your API keys, with their names, validity\expiration date and when it was created. By pressing three dots on the right side - menu with extra options will appear. You can download a pre-generated config, copy\reveal a key, prolong or revoke it.

Screenshot 2022-05-26 at 11.42.32.png

<aside> ⚠️ When API key is expired or revoked - the traffic and data will no longer be accepted by IC platform!


Create a new API key

To create a new API key - press Create New Key button on the top right side. It will ask to select a validity period and give it a human-readable name.

<aside> 💡 It might be a good idea to use different API keys for different cases: environment, team, set of machines or services.
